- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
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Masechet Ketuvot 34a: Continuing the sugya of Rabba, No קילבדר"מ in the case of קנס, because it's not apparent or intuitively logical that the נגנב should be collecting the קנס. We will discuss the case of Rabba where he stole the animal before Shabbat and slaughtered the animal on Shabbat. As well as the case where he stole the animal before he was בא במחתרת and slaughtered the animal in the מחתרת. We will establish the principle that the thief pays קנס as an add-on to קרן; hence, if there is no payment of קרן - since the גניבה took place on Shabbat concurrent with a violation of the Melechet Shabbat - there will be no payment of קנס.
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